Friday, December 28, 2012


 After we opened our presents, and were able to enjoy our new toys for a few hours, we packed up and headed down to Logan for a few days to spend some time with the Ellis family.
They really got some snow for Chirstmas!

Brookie had fun playing with all the fun toys at Grandma and Grandpas house. 
They gave the girls a princess castle with all the princess'. This girl was in HEAVEN.

Kylee found her recital lipstick and had some fun...

Grandma got some new Lego sets, and Caden went right to work putting some together!
We got to see Grandma Lucy and Aunt Sunny.
Aunt Sunny watched the kids while the adults went and saw Les Miserables.
Probably the best movie of the year! I grew up with the music and the story, and the movie did not disappoint!

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