Thursday, December 4, 2008


So since Ryan wrestled in high school, he is determined that the boys will follow in his footsteps! Even though Caden is only 5 so far he is loving going to wrestling. He wears his head gear as much as he can and tells me the moves he's learned about 5 times a day! My favorite though is he's still at that age where he's learning what competing even means so when he's not winning it's quite traumatic for him. The other day at practice he was practicing with this other boy who was quite good and fast so Caden wasn't standing a chance. In the middle of their match Caden throws his hands up and says: " your not letting me do any of my moves!" The kids reply, takes him down, frustrating Caden even more. So I guess with time he'll get the picture about how sports work! I just love that kid!


Taffy and Tony said...

That's so funny. We have a long-running wrestling joke at my parents house that originated with one of Tyson's teammates. During one of his matches, in between periods, he said to his coach, "I'm trying different moves, but he just keeps resisting me." Ya think?!? So we joke around, "That kid just keeps resisting you. Why doesn't he just let you run your moves?" So Maybe Caden will have that part of the sport figured out a little sooner than Tyson's teammate.

The Ellis Fam said...

i've loved reading ALL your posts. i didn't know that they had wrestling for kids that young. mark is looking forward just a little bit more to one day having a baby. i've always known that our kids will be shooting a paintball gun before they have fine motor skills.