Sunday, February 8, 2009

Babies, Brownies and Everything In Between!

My computer is ALWAYS on the fritz so I finally was able to upload some photos and I also have a free moment in between getting Caden to school, the twins to preschool, or naps, and feeding and changing Brooke. Oh the life of a mother of four...FOUR I can't believe that is me! I still feel like a giddy 19-20 year old in college! I'm in Young Women's now and I don't feel like I'm that much older than the Laurels, but I"m 8-10 years older than them! I probably seem so old to them! Am I old??? I think not! I feel so blessed to have the family that I do. My kids bring me such joy and I need to learn to live in the moment with my kids and not keep waiting for the next phase because my life seems like utter chaos at times. I need to embrace my kids being kids and join in! We have so much influence on their little lives, and they are only with you for such a short time. Caden in the fall will be in the first grade and will be gone 7 hours a day, being influenced by teachers and students. I hope that I can instill in him a good sense of self and who he is so he can influence others, instead of the other way around.

Moving on, with the pictures, I was able to spoil myself a little and bought myself some Dansko's. Like my best friend says the ultimate mom shoe! But I just love them! They are so comfortable and work with everything! Now I just need a pair of brown ones!

Little Caden! He's such a sweetheart.He is loving his little sister. The other day I was changing her diaper and she was crying and he was so worried and was actually telling me to stop cause he was so worried. He loves going to wresting still, even though he is not that good at it...maybe it won't be his niche, but I think he's still too young to tell!

This is where Kylee is most of the time. Right next too Brooke. She's pretty good with her most of the time, but every now and then she forgets she's fragile. The other day Brooke was in the bouncer and I turn around to see her bouncing it and Brooke was catching air! Holly and I took the girls with us to the mall the other day to pamper Kylee a little. Out of all the kids Kylee has suffered the most from Brooke's arrival because the boys would play and she would hang out with me. She had my undivided attention. Now she has to share it with Brooke, and it's made her act out some. She loved the mall, she got ice cream and gum and we walked around the American girl doll store and of course she wanted it all for her birthday! What a girl!

These to little peas in a pod! They are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies! The hardest thing about having four is these two are into everything the minute I have to feed Brooke. It's like they have a radar knowing when I'm preoccupied! I can't stay mad too long just look at those faces!

Little Brooke! She has been such a joy and such a good baby. I can't complain too much. She goes 4 to 5 hour stretches at night and hardly EVER cries! I can't believe she's a month old already! Time sure does fly by!

Not the most attractive picture of me, but I suppose i better have some or else my kids will think I was never around!

We made Brownies the other day and the twins loved helping out! The best part of course was licking the bowl afterwards!

Little Brooke at 3 weeks!

Caden loving on his little sister!


Tara and Bryce Raleigh said...

omg you have the sweetest cutest little famiy! they are so sweet! I miss you so very much and hope I get to see you soon! I love the shoes!!!


The Ellis Fam said...

I love those pictures and reading those stories. Mark and I are so excited to be coming soon and finally seeing the baby. Has the package come yet? We sent it on Friday or Saturday and i'm hoping it will get to you sometime before the week is over. Call me when it comes in.

Briant and Clyda Teichert Family said...

Your kids are so cute! I love your blog. They are just too cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a long post...and long overdue. First, I too love to lick the brownie bowl! Brooke looks adorable! I want to squeeze her! I too think that we sometimes get wound up in being a mom and we forget that our kids grow up too fast. It's good to take time out and just play with them. That is the joy in being a mom sometimes, being able to act youger than we really are.

shae :) said...

What a cute family! I'm sorry to read about your sister, we totally understand, J.R.'s mom just got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Cancer just seems to be everywhere. I hope your sister is doing okay. Oh, and I love your new shoes.:).

Mick and Tiff said...

My sister swears by those shoes. Maybe I will have to join the the Ultimate Mom Club!