On Saturday night we got about 6 inches of snow! Exciting...yes, but it is 10 degrees outside, so I won't let my kids go outside and play:( Ryan let them go out last night and after 2 minutes they all wanted back in. I love the wintry scene, but I hate everything that comes with it...like snow tracked in the house, soggy clothes, bundling up to go anywhere. I guess it comes along with the territory though. Another fun thing this year about having a house is Christmas lights! I was so excited, Ryan not so much, I did help him and all our neighbors gave him a hard time for not doing it by himself like a man, all the wives thought I was crazy for wanting to help. I also love this time of year for the packages that come more frequent! my mom was going through her books and gave me all the little kid ones that Annie has outgrown, and boy were the kids excited! She didn't forget me and sent me a nativity. I just love them, I just need more surface space to put them all!
Wow! It sure seems to get cold there. Hey, I need your guys address so we can send a Christmas card so will you email it to me at tiffanysimmons_@hotmail.com
Cute, Katie! I love your blog! Fun fun.
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