Friday, March 5, 2010

Prayer and dog food.

I love to talk on the phone.
I am just a social person. I love my friends and family, and I love talking with them.
Why is it then that I have such a hard time communicating with my Father in Heaven?
It takes all that I have to remember to get on my knees and talk to him.
Pour my soul out to him.
Tell him of my trials, my joys, my frustrations, my life?
I feel like I constantly talk or say things in my head, but when it comes down to actually kneeling in prayer and pouring out my thoughts, I struggle.
This is somewhat embarrassing to admit. You want to portray yourself as this perfect person who never does things wrong.
Like I would never do any of the following:
Driving before my kids are all the way buckled (who me, never!),
feeding my kids junk food, yelling at them,
wanting to skip church every now and then...
Letting some swear words fly when someone cuts me off.
It's hard to admit our flaws.
And it's hard for me to admit this one. I love the Savior, and my Heavenly Father.
My religion is a HUGE part of who I am.
I believe in the gospel, and have a strong testimony.
So why do I struggle to pour my heart out to those most wanting to hear?
I have to give a talk on the 14th about the resurrection. I have been praying. Big time.
It seems when life gets tough or scary, it's easy to get down on my knees and pray.
When things are going great, is when I least rely on the Lord.
I wish I could be that perfect person. Who prays every morning and night.
Reads their scriptures everyday, and not only that, truly studies them.
The wonderful thing is that I know if I keep trying, the Lord will ALWAYS be by my side. Waiting to help this imperfect daughter of God.
The resurrection. Such a huge part of the plan. Where do I start? Such a deep topic. Why me?
Last week the sister gave a talk on Family Home Evening. Why couldn't I have gotten that topic?!
So I am going to pray.
Pray for guidance.
Pray to help me become a better communicator with my Father and Heaven.
Pray to be a better person.
Pray to be a better mother and wife.
Just Pray.

I love this video:

On a lighter note:
Ryan was put on his new desk at work. He starts Monday.
He's going from being the produce guy(which he has been for the last 4 and 1/2 years),
to being the pet guy. He'll be dealing with all the pet products.
I laughed.

Now when we go to the store, instead of checking out the produce, he'll be dragging us down the pet isle to scope out the competition. Heehee!!

1 comment:

The Ellis Fam said...

hey we'll take samples on those too. let us know, ryan, what should we be feeding our eddie dog. I'm with you on the prayer stuff tho. mark and i are really trying to hit this too. we are doing better at evening prayer. we're going to try to master that then get to mornings. life is about getting there tho. we gotta do what it takes.