Monday, September 5, 2011

Camping outside is scary...

(My title is sort of an inside joke... I can't help thinking about that saying when I hear the word camping. It's a Joeyism from our childhood days. pretty much an awesome song he made up..hehe!)
We are back from our camping in the wilderness! Well, that is the beauty of Minnesota, cause we were only miles from town, but it felt like we were 100 miles away from the hustle and bustle of a metropolis! And thankfully so, we did not have enough bug spray, so Bonnie volunteered to go get more. Man those mosquitoes were bad!
We spent a lot of time doing this:
 Here are all the ladies! Aren't we just the most beautiful bunch of camping ladies you ever did see!?
This is not how I envisioned these pictures, but alas with my nice camera out of commission, I didn't get as many as I wanted, cause my old one doesn't do so well at night:
The next morning we were up bright and early for breakfast! It was a warm day, so Annie and I took off as soon as we could for a good run. Good thing we had our water belts, cause the sun was blazing!
The kids enjoyed the wonderful breakfast that the Dad's so graciously cooked!
Can't wait to do it again next year!

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