Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I have been a terrible blogger latley.
Not only does the everyday goings on of a mother of four, make the last thing I want to do when they are in bed is sit at the computer, but we have been so busy, and I have been in those January blues you could say.
For the first time in my motherhood years, have I been up countless night worrying about one of my children. I know I will have many more nights of this to come as my children grow, and face life's challenges, but I was not expecting to have those nights so soon.
Kylee has had some friend issues at school, and the past month it has excelled. So I did what I thought was best, and went in and talked to the Principal to see if we could stop this once and for all.
I thought we had come up with a pretty good solution. Apparently to other parents I was so wrong!
Let's just say I was not backed up by the method, and I felt attacked. 
There are so many good reasons I love being surrounded by fellow LDS members. But this is not one of them. There just was no escape from the issue. These girls are classmates, neighbors, and church classmates. Woah. Lets just say it adds to the drama, and there is no escape.
I have been up countless hours on how to help my daughter be a more Christ like example, how to be nice no matter what. I could go on and on. But you get the idea. It's been a very stressful situation.
I also have had my sister on my mind. She went into the hospital today for her transplant.
I haven't missed a treatment of hers this time around, and I feel so guilty not being there. She has our mother with her, so I really shouldn't feel bad. But I do. I feel guilty that she will be sick, in a hospital bed, and I will be going on a cruise in a few days. I should be jumping out of my seat excited, but all I can think about is my sweet sister fighting for her life.
I will say, with all the stresses of life I am so grateful I have the gospel. while the last few months have been nothing but bumps in the road, I know I have my Savior to fall back on. I think sometimes I feel because I have the savior in my life, things should be smooth sailing. But that would go against what we were sent here for. This earthly life wasn't meant for smooth sailing. We knew their would be trials. IF we weather the storm, and trust in him, we will be blessed. And that is comforting.
So I will continue on. Continue to be on my knees for my children. Continue to do the best I can!

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